You Can Be Speaking Mandarin Quickly
with the Right Mandarin Courses
For most English speakers, Chinese sounds like a daunting language to learn, yet alone master. Regardless of this, you can begin speaking mandarin quickly. Many of the mandarin courses available will have you repeating basic words and phrases right away.
Let’s face it. You won’t be speaking fluently in 5 minutes, but you will be able to say some basic words…. like I was.
As with many languages, there are inherent and often unique challenges. For instance, when learning English the rules of grammar can be very confusing – whether English is your second language or your native tongue! And then there’s slang.
In Mandarin, and other Asian dialects, the use of tones can be tricky. The same word can be said with four different tones and have four different meanings! A friend experienced this in Thailand years ago. Instead of saying I’m hungry, she had uttered “I’m pregnant” – much to the bemusement of her hosts…
While you can learn from a book, an audio component is essential to learning the correct pronunciation of Mandarin words.
Why Some Mandarin Courses Are Better Than Others
Your natural learning style is one of the most important factors to consider when deciding on the right mandarin course for you. Visual learners, like me, need to see the words being spoken as well as hear them. Auditory learners can pick up a language by hearing words and conversations.
In order to build your confidence and mastery you’ll need to practice and eventually converse with someone who speaks Mandarin!
Ready to Get Started?
We’ll review some of the top mandarin language courses in upcoming posts so you can start speaking mandarin now!